A new voice? Version 1.3.7
I can no longer speak in the tongues of mine ancestors. Theirs was the language of deposits, of sages on stages, spotlights and “me”
Nor can I manipulate the garble of the Google, X,Y,Z or Alpha generations
for theirs is copy, cut, paste, pirates and mimicry of mindless parrots.
Now it seems that I am trapped in the between…
caught in the betwix…
suspended in the middle.
Do I regress, progress,
distress myself?
Nay….. I speak as the hybrid….
with a new voice
the voice of the between, betwix and the voice of beyond….way beyond
I speak in the hybrid markings of middleness, not average, nor superior…
and certainly not inferior…never inferior
I speak….between, betwix and beyond!